Welcome to peaceful abiding
Based on an understanding of the teachings of Buddhism, the teachings and practices presented at Peaceful Abiding are available both live online via zoom and as blogs and recordings. Our aim is to present Buddhist teachings but in a more practical down to earth way. In other words, we aim to make the teachings available to everyone in a non-religious format. Buddhism fundamentally reveals to us a way of conducting our journey through life’s up and downs in a more sane and brave way. It is fundamentally about looking at the way we live our lives. By working with our body speech and mind we get glimpses of the light that exists primordially within each and every one of us. Everyone of us is basically okay, but when we look at ourselves, the world and our own lives, it is hard to believe that is the case. But like the clouds that cover the sun, we have obscured our inner goodness with our habitual patterns and misguided thoughts. Peaceful Abiding aims to address this in a gentle and kind way according to your individual needs. We aim to present to you tools and teachings that will enable you to touch into your own basic goodness and touch into the light within in a safe and supported community environment. We invite you to join us and build a community of like-minded people.
Our teachers are all committed Buddhists, and have benefited from their Buddhist community, the meditation practices and the teachings. But we are all householders. This means that we are not monks or nuns, but as householders we have families, jobs and live in the world and in society. We don’t run away from the world and its troubles but instead see everything that we experience as an opportunity to practice the teachings. We realise that life gets in the way, but we practice seeing this as an opportunity rather than an obstacle to overcome. The world and society is therefore where we get to test and try out the Buddhist teachings and apply them to our daily lives. This can often take us out of our comfort zone and require us to be brave so it’s about small steps, being kind to ourselves and not beating ourselves up.
Meeting with like-minded people at Peaceful Abiding is a supportive online setting, having access to a regular meditation practice, to teachings and blogs and videos that can support us. Having access to a mentor who can is like a friend who can support you on a one-to-one basis are all on offer at Peaceful Abiding.
There is no lower or upper age limit. Whether you are young, middle aged or senior, have a different ethnic background or non-white identity, have a disability, whatever your sexual orientation, whether you are young, at school, working, looking for work, senior, stressed, lonely, grieving, already have a meditation practice, are a non-Buddhist and already have a religion, or you are a Buddhist looking to deepen your practice and how to apply it to every day life, everyone is welcome and can benefit.
Also and more importantly, in spite of whatever has happened to you or you have done in your past you can always benefit from these proven tried and tested practices and teachings which start with where you are at NOW!. Just bring yourself along, no questions asked, everything that is exchanged in our communities is in a confidential environment and you are welcome, wherever you are at, whatever your starting point may be.