
Discovering Your Heart of Goodness
How often do we put ourselves down, believing that we are no good, a failure, unworthy, doomed? As human beings most of us do this

Who is inspiring You to achieve your human potential right now?
I watched an interview with Sir Mo Farah last evening. Brendan Foster (another great past athlete) was interviewing him and asked Mo whether or

Reminders of how an athlete becomes a champion and a meditator achieves enlightenment!
The path of meditation and mindfulness requires exactly the same level of commitment, motivation and training and exactly the same reminders and conditions to arise

Extreme Weather Event and Astrology
As an Astrologer for over 50 years, having produced various astrological charts and readings for many many clients, family and friends, I find that I

Musical Orgasm for the Soul
Beethoven’s 9th filling body heart and mind A gift to and from the all encompassing, the all pervasive ground Uplifting the heart and swirling fiery light

Abundance and Peaceful Abiding – is it really only about having lots of money?
Whilst out walking my dog this afternoon, I noticed that some of my neighbours were already putting out boxes of windfall apples for people to